The Friends received a generous grant award from The Norma & Stanley DeBoer Quiet Trails Fund of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin for additional interpretive signage at Beaver Hollow.

The Friends partner with SRWA for water temperature monitoring
Temperature monitoring effort in partnership with the Superior Rivers Watershed Association (SRWA)
The Friends have been working with SRWA since 2016 to monitor the water temperature at North Pikes Creek at three locations – in a beaver pond, and in the stream channel above and below the beaver pond. Our results indicate that the water in the pond is significantly cooler in the summer than the stream water. The pond temperature in the winter season, however, is warmer than the stream water which measures slightly above freezing.
Why is this significant? Our native brook trout require the cooler summer pond temperatures for increased spawning activity and egg viability. The warmer winter pond temperatures provide a refugia for the mature trout to overwinter. The overall stream temperatures stay within a range suitable for brook trout production due to the beaver pond complex contributing a continual supply of cold water to North Pikes Creek. The beaver ponds play a major role in the health of the North Pikes Creek Watershed.
SRWA loans the Friends the equipment – HOBO Tidbit Water Temperature Data Loggers – needed for water monitoring, and also downloads the results. The Friends place the water temperature monitors by canoe, and replace them before the batteries run down. In 2022/23 we expect to get a full 12 months of data, which we’ll share with the membership.