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July Presentations at Beaver Hollow

Four exceptional presentations will be held this summer at Beaver Hollow. Mark your calendars today so you won’t miss these opportunities. The presentations for July are detailed below. Registration is recommended, but not required. It helps us with event planning.

Fisher flyer

Michael Joyce, Wildlife Ecologist at the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth has conducted extensive research on fishers and martens. The fisher population has been declining in recent years, so they are a focal species for research into the causes of loss, and conservation tools to increase their population. Joyce will present Fishers – Cryptic Forest Carnivores at Beaver Hollow on Wednesday, July 10th, 2 pm.






Ryan Michalesko, Landowner Engagement Specialist on the North America Program team at the International Crane Foundation, will be at Beaver Hollow on Thursday, July 18, at 2 pm, to present Saving Cranes, and the Places Where They Dance. Sandhill Cranes were nearly extirpated in the Midwest but are now thriving due to a mix of factors, including better wetland protection. Ryan will talk about conservation policy, and the human-wildlife conflict that occurs in communities where these birds are found.






Michael Joyce, Wildlife Ecologist at the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth will return on Wednesday, July 24 at 2 pm to the Beaver Hollow pavilion to present Northern Flying Squirrels – Forest Gliders. Flying squirrels are important members of the forest communities throughout our region. The warming climate is allowing the Northern subspecies to be displaced by their Southern relatives. Joyce will discuss flying squirrel ecology and ongoing research on flying squirrel distribution, competition, and displacement of the northern  squirrels.

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