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Life and Ecology of Wisconsin’s Wetland Furbearers

Beaver Hollow 88850 Compton Rd, Bayfield, WI

John Olson, retired WDNR Furbearer Specialist, will discuss the life and ecology of Wisconsin’s wetland furbearers -  beaver, otter, mink and muskrat - and exhibit pelts and other artifacts.   John has been engaged in wildlife management for over 40 years. His work has included programs involving bald eagles, common loons, ospreys, black bears and wolves.…


Canids of Wisconsin

Beaver Hollow 88850 Compton Rd, Bayfield, WI

This presentation by Timber Wolf Alliance Educator, Jane Weber, will cover the biology and ecology of Wisconsin's canids - foxes, coyotes, and wolves - as an important part of a healthy ecosystem.  Skulls, skins, scat replicas and track casts will be available for comparison. This is an exciting, hands-on presentation suitable for adults and youth.…


Biology, Ecology, and Population Dynamics of Local Ma’iingan (Wolf) Packs

Beaver Hollow 88850 Compton Rd, Bayfield, WI

Join us as Andy Edwards, Red Cliff Treaty Natural Resources Division Administrator, will discuss the research and monitoring work being conducted to better understand the history, population dynamics, and movements of the two resident Red Cliff Reservation wolf packs occupying the tip of the Bayfield Peninsula.  A brief overview of Red Cliff’s other predator monitoring…


A Year at a Beaver Pond with Al Cornell

You won’t want to miss this Wednesday, August 14th presentation with astute observations and superb photography by Al Cornell. Cornell, recently retired from the DNR, lives in the driftless area of Wisconsin. One day he noted a newly created beaver pond near his home. He set up a blind at the edge of the pond…

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